Μολυσματικές ασθένειες
εν κινήσει: η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας από
τους Βαλκανικούς πολέμους έως το 1922
Infectious diseases
in-motion: the case of Greece from the Balkan wars until 1922
Τρίτη 16
Ιανουρίου 2018, 18:00-20:00
Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών (Διδότου 6)
Ομιλήτρια: Λένα Κορμά (Γαλλική Σχολή Αθηνών)
Σχολιάστρια: Κατερίνα Γαρδίκα (ΕΚΠΑ)
Περίληψη (Αγγλικά):
The intense war conflicts and geographic
redeployments contributing to the territorial expansion of Greece during
the period 1912-1922 have also consequences in the health sector, with
the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. The case of the cholera
and the typhus fever epidemic is a prominent example. The outbreak of
the epidemic of cholera will occur during both the Balkan Wars and the
First World War. Accordingly, the typhus fever will affect the Greek
territories during the Great War and soon after, mainly in Eastern
Macedonia. But are there any special factors that encourage the spread
of these diseases, especially during this particular war period, due to
the mobility of troops and refugee waves? How do the health authorities
deal with these populations’ care and protection?
aim of the present communication is therefore to examine not only the
reasons for the occurrence of these epidemics at the given time, due to the
wider population mobility that is taking place, but also the way these
reasons are dealt with, causing the involvement of many different
actors. At the same time, these examples provide a starting point for
discussing how war can eventually become a “positive external influence”
in the evolution of medicine.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: http://mobilities.bsa.ac.uk/tuesday-16-january-2018/
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